As Photographers we all know how important time is to us all. Most Photographers love when they can find tools and ways to save time and still end up with beautiful images. That’s why is seems that alot of photographers have fallen in love with Actions and Presets these days. You can create a beautifully crafted image and cut your workflow in half with just a few clicks of the mouse. And my oh my, Have I found my go to company for all things Action and business related, Envi Photoshop Actions.
Envi Photoshop Actions, formerly Rock My Edits, has rebranded their company and amped up their new website. It is easy to navigate and you can easily find whatever it is your looking for, whether its actions,templates, tutorials or business materials, Envi has it all!! Given the Framed Award 2012 for being one of the top 7 companies in the Industry, and I can see exactly why!! Envi has some of the cleanest,easy to use, and most affordable actions I have come across. Most companies charge you a arm and a leg for a small set, but Envi’s prices are affordable for everyone!! With sets like Rock My Vintage, to give you that old world,movie star glamour feel to your portraits, to Rock My Makeup that gives your subject a complete full or light makeover!! Then there is Twinkly Eyes…now there are ALOT of actions out there that are similar to Twinkle Eyes and one might wonder what is so great about Envi’s….well let me tell you …..NEVER have I ever found it SO easy to add sparkle and twinkle to the eyes with out looking like its been overdone. You can even add catchlight where there was none!! And the best part of Twinkle Eye?? You can buy it and find out for yourself at UNDER $10!!!!
Speaking of the Rock My Vintage set…with actions that give you that Old World feel and pictures that look as though you plucked them straight out of your great grandmothers albums, this is the set to own!! I use these actions on a lot of my Boudoir shoots and weddings. With actions like Love Letters,Old World,MaryJanes and Scarlets Pearls, just to name a few, there is no reason not to have this set!
On this edit I used Perfect Skin(Found in Rock My Makeup),Retro Color(RMVintage),Lip Gloss(RMMakeup) and Finishing Gloss.
Then there is Envi’s Magical Light & Matte set. This set truly is Magical!! It is one of my favorites sets!! With 27 actions you can give your photos a wonderful dreamy color along with subtle sunkissed images. And again, one of the most affordable sets I have seen!! Actions by the names of Seven Layer Cake, Dripping Pearls, and Sweet Taffy, one would have to try it out!!

- This image of sweet Landon was edited using Gold Warmth,Perfect Picture Fix, Seven Layer Cake, and Finishing Gloss all from the Magical Light and Matte set.
For the lovers of a GREAT black and white photos, there is the Matte Black Finish action that can be bought a-la-carte, or you can buy the Classic Black and White Action set that has over 20 different takes on your average black and white.
On this picture of the beautiful Emily, I used Perfect Skin,Twinkly Eyes, Black Matte Finish.
These are just a few of my favorites from the wide array of actions that Envi Photoshop Actions has to offer! There is the ever popular Photographers Toolbox, for those who are just starting out in the world of actions or just wanna give Envi a try and see how instantly they fall in love. Of course, most if not all sets,because I have yet to fulfill my wish list, include the famous Flatten Me and Finishing Gloss. You can buy a set, a few or go all out and buy a bundle!!
This is a edit Stacie,Owner of Envi,sent me. To fine out the AMAZING actions that were used on this photo you are gonna have to check out the website 
Now, just because I have been rambling on about the crazy good actions that Envi has to offer, doesn’t mean thats all they are about!! You can purchase a vast array of templates for a price that is just to unbelievable to share now, for that you are gonna have to see it to believe it!! Or if you are just starting out your business, or maybe you just wanna take it another level, you can purchase one of the many business tools that Envi has to offer. I gotta say, I have purchased almost all of the Client Questionnaires, and they are ABSOLUTELY one of my favorite and go to tools to give to my clients. It has every question you have ever thought to ask and then some maybe you hadn’t! It’s GENIUS!! There is also a very valuable FAQ Document , that saves me and the client SO MUCH TIME!! I just include that in my Welcome Packet and all of their questions,that we all get asked at almost every session, and it gives us so musch more time to focus on their session.
Another goodie in the treasure chest that is Envi, is an AMAZING Accounting set. It tracks your sales,purchases, taxes and much more and is a ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE for all photographers who want to lose the headache of tax time. The tracking system was built by Stacie in Excel,whom has a extensive background in database developing, and I gotta admit at first glance I was EXTREMELY terrified, but after plugging in my data into the cells and watching the program do all the work, I was blown away!! Print at the end of the tax year and I bet your accountant will love Envi as much as I do!
There is also an abundance of knowledge to be gained from the many blog posts, tutorials and the new “How to Achieve that Look” section on the website. If your more hands,or eyes, on you can book a 1 on 1 with Stacie or join one of her Webinars, which I was able to do just recently and I learned so many tips and tricks and they have cut my workflow time in half!! I gotta say it was the best $5.00 I have ever spent!! Yep, you read that right,not a typo…A Webinar class for $5.00!!!!!! and its a full hour and a half class!!
AMAZED yet?? INTRIGUED yet?? Well let me tell you a little about the Owner and Customer Service Envi Photoshop Actions that Envi offers.
The mastermind behind this amazing company is Stacie Jensen, Owner of Envi Photoshop Actions and Stacie Jensen Photography. Stacie has got to be one of the most generous and friendly person I have yet to come across in this wonderful, yet sometimes,cut throat business. Stacie is there to answer EVERY email, no assistant or employees, unless maybe her daughter or husband count,sometimes when a email isn’t enough to help explain a question she doesn’t hesitate to pick up the phone and give you a ring. She is very quick to answer any and all questions one might have about any of her products and is willing to share whatever advice or tips she may have! Every bit of her education and knowledge, she puts out there for others to take in and learn from. She is just as brilliant behind the lens as she is behind the computer designing actions.As Stacie puts it “Designing editing tools for other photographers is where I shine. Customer service is my #1 priority.” Boy is she right about that!! After a webinar class, some exchanged emails and other correspondence I feel as though I have known Stacie for years and years and that we have been long time friends, she’s just that awesome!! Stacie has been in the business for over 13 years and has worked as lead graphic designer for multiple magazines. You see, with Envi, your not getting a product that you or I could produce if we worked long enough or had enough trial and errors, you and I are getting products and Actions from someone who knows Photoshop inside and out, knows the proper and most efficient way to edit, and has grown with Adobe. I mean seriously, who wouldn’t want to take the opportunity to learn from someone with such a wealth of knowledge and experience and is willing to share it with you and I??
I know that it is no coincidence that I crossed paths with Stacie and Envi Photoshop Actions. I had been on the search on how I could take my editing to the next level and someone who was willing to help me get there. I have found that with Envi Photoshop Actions and Stacie. I not only have found a great company that is the ONLY company I will use for all my actions and most of my business needs, but I have also found a great friend and mentor in the process!!
So GET TO IT!!! Stop by Envi Photoshop Actions today, give them a like on Facebook and check out for yourself just how AWESOME it is for yourself!! While your at the website, give the blog a look and maybe catch a few video tutorials while your at it. Oh and did I mention FREEBIES?? Envi has a nice collection of FREEBIES for you to try out as well. So don’t walk…RUN to Envi! I PROMISE you will not be unhappy!!
Here are some links to Envi Photoshop Actions blog and website.